Hampshire Officials
Joint Hampshire Technical Officials Secretaries (COfSecs)
We work with our Officials sub-committee and we meet every 6 months to make Appointments for County and Schools events. The committee is formed of:-
- Stan Burton and Graham Bungay (Timekeepers)
- Chas Harvey (Photo Finish)
- Malcolm Wise and Alison Friend (Field Officials)
- Janet Smith (Starter and Starters Assistant)
- Pam Rogers (Endurance)
- and ourselves who cover Track Officials
What do your Officials' Secretaries do?
In conjunction with the members of the Officials sub-committee we make Appointments for all the Hampshire Athletics and Hampshire Schools AA meetings and we will be publishing those on these pages. Please note they will be the initial Appointments and subject to change for various reasons. Read more
Who needs Officials?
WE DO!! Just about anyone who is trying to run an athletics club or organise an athletics meeting, be it Track and Field, Cross Country or a Road Race, needs Officials. Most importantly, competing athletes need to relax, happy in the knowledge that the competition is being run under conditions fair to all. Read more
To obtain Officials clothing, Polo Shirt, Sweatshirt, V-Neck Jumper or Fleece, all with the Hampshire Logo, contact Stuart Horsewood.
The following links are of particular interest to officials. For other athletics-related links, please refer to the Links page.
British Athletics www.britishathletics.org.uk | |
England Athletics www.englandathletics.org | |
English Schools' Athletic Association www.esaa.org.uk | |
South of England Athletics Officials' Association www.seaoa.co.uk | |
UKA Disclosure and Barring Service | email dbs@uka.org.uk |